

Dental scaling and cleaning is a professional cleaning process which helps remove plaque, tartar (calculus) and stain deposits which have built up on teeth over time. Tartar or calculus is composed of bacteria, the accumulation of these bacteria near the gums can cause tooth decay and/or gum disease.

A happy mouth equals a healthy body. Research shows that many diseases are linked to bacteria in the mouth. Plaque, calculus and stains develop around your teeth every day. With teeth of different shapes and varying grooves, food particles and drink stains get stuck easily, therefore regular dental cleanings are an important part of good oral hygiene. If your dental health is important to you and you like to keep your teeth shining, then a clean every six months is highly recommended.

They help prevent gum disease.
This is a serious issue that starts when plaque builds up on the teeth, the plaque harbours bacteria which firstly destroys the gum tissue and then works its way down to bone level and destroys the bone supporting the teeth. Teeth then become mobile and worst-case scenario will fall out. Dental cleanings greatly reduce the chance that a patient will lose their teeth due to gum disease.

They keep your breath fresh.
Dental cleaning helps control the bacteria in the mouth responsible for causing bad breath. Though brushing and flossing the teeth regularly can help keep the mouth fresh, a dental cleaning is also important for maintaining an odour free oral environment.

They brighten your smile.
Dental cleaning keeps the teeth whiter and brighter with fewer stains and far less plaque and tartar.

They reduce the risk or severity of cavities.
Early detection of cavities and preventative homecare and oral hygiene advice at cleanings helps lessen the occurrence of cavities.

They boost your general health.
Dental cleaning improves your overall oral health. The health of your teeth and gums can have a big impact on your general health, certain bacteria in the mouth have been directly linked to very serious diseases like heart disease and stroke.

In many cases gum disease is painless, so you may not even know you have it until it’s reached an advance stage. Symptoms may include bleeding gums, especially when brushing, swelling, redness or tenderness in the gums or even receding gums. Sensitivity, persistent bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth or pain when chewing are also possible signs of gum disease. Your teeth my even become lose. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, book a consultation with our Dental Hygienist.

Performed by a Dental Hygienist, teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth. The process can remove hardened deposits (tartar) not removed by routine cleaning at home.

Step 1: The assessment
The process begins with a thorough assessment of your oral health, including the soft tissues of the mouth. Our Dental Hygienist will use a periodontal probe to examine the gums and look for signs of bleeding, redness and swelling, or bone loss around the teeth.

Step 2: Recommendations
Following your assessment our Dental Hygienist may make some recommendations regarding your oral health techniques at home. This advice will be thoroughly explained and may include flossing, tooth brushing techniques or upgrading to an electric toothbrush. This will help to keep your mouth clean after your hygienist visit.

Step 3: Cleaning & Polishing
The cleaning procedure will then be tailored to your specific needs, based on the findings of your assessment. Cleaning is performed with air and water, as well as hand scalers to smooth any fine fragments of tartar. The final step is polishing, and this is completed with either the EMS Airflow or paste and handpiece, depending on the severity of the teeth staining. You may also be given a fluoride mouth rinse to complete your treatment.

A Dental Hygienist is a licenced dental professional, registered with a dental association or regulatory body within their country of practice. As primary health care professionals they may work independently or alongside dentists and other dental professionals to provide full oral health care. They have the training and education that focuses on and specialises in the prevention and treatment of many oral diseases.

General scaling & cleaning

Dentist examining a patient's teeth in the dentist.

Duration: approximately 45 mins

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